Sunday 26 February 2017

Why I stopped blogging....

Good Afternoon Everyone :)

As you may have noticed, there has been a lack of blog posts since Christmas. I have been tweeting and doing tiny reviews on there but I haven't had any sort of motivation to even think about writing a blog post. 

I love blogging and I still try new products and love nothing more than doing a huge splurge in Superdrug or Boots but I just couldn't bring myself to actually writing anything even though I really wanted to. If I have a busy day at work, I get home and I'm so tired I fall asleep and don't have time to do anything.

Since Christmas I have had bad anxiety so obviously that doesn't help.

I think I'm going to just do it as and when I feel like so if that means 1 post a week or 5 posts a week. I don't want to force myself to write anything and then not being happy with it.

Just though I'd keep you all updated and sorry! 

Natasha x


  1. I totally get that it can be hard to find the motivation to blog, especially when you are at work all day like you say. There are times when I find it hard too. I hope you start to feel better anxiety wise and I think you have the right idea with just taking it as it comes with your blog :) x

  2. I just want to write a post but just never feel like it after work, I think in the winter it's worse because it's so dark by the time I get home so just want to snuggle up :)

    Thank you :) x


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