Monday 2 January 2017

Hello 2017 ❤

Happy New Year!!! :)

I actually can't believe it is 2017!!!

I'm starting this year off positive and hoping to try new things and overcome obstacles. I have a few new years resolutions. I don't normally make them because I break them after a day and can't be bothered but feel that this year I feel better in myself to keep them :)

Saying Yes

In the past I have turned down things purely on the fact I knew I'd feel anxious, worry or have a panic attack so I thought it would be easier to just say "No" I guess it is but how am I going to get any better by not pushing myself to do things. I think this year I will look at things and think "I can do it". I know there will be things that I will say no too but hopefully less than 2016.

Looking back on this time last year I'd say I was 100% more confident, I think I can talk to new people easier and just feel comfortable in my own skin.

Being More Organised

I vow to be more organised this year by having a diary to make notes, lists and even to express myself. I already have a journal ready and a massive tonne of coloured pens to make it a bit fun lol!
Another thing I need to do is write down my passwords and log ins for everything. I have a different password for everything and I do a lot of online shopping so that is a lot of passwords to remember!!

I also have the The Little Book of Positivity by Lucy Lane which I absolutely love, it has some really good methods to stay positive and quotes. It's the perfect size to put into your handbag to have a read whenever you want.


I've been meaning to drive for so long, I've even had my provision license now for about 3/4 years. I've just always been so scared to actually go for it for this year I'm going to try even if I book a lesson or pass my test either way I'll be happy that I have started :)

Now onto the not so serious resolutions..... ;)

Grow My Hair

I've been growing my hair now for a couple of years and in the past year I've noticed a huge difference. Since last Christmas it has a good 4-5 inches on and feels in really good condition. I use the Lee Stafford Hair Growth Scalp Serum every night and it seems to be working so I want to keep that up this year :)

A Skincare Routine

I made a resolution last year (I think it is in a blog post) saying that I want to actually have a routine where I take my make up off when I get home from work and do the hole shebang of cleansing, toning, moisturising etc I actually stuck to it and the skin looks so much better for it. Believe it or not but a couple of years ago I used to never take my make up off and just sleep in it....ewww I know what was I thinking. I can't even do that now, I wouldn't be able to sleep ha!!

Have you made any resolutions this year being life or beauty wise?

Have you stuck to nay before?

Thank you for reading.

Natasha x


  1. I haven't made any resolutions this year but I just hope that 2017 is more relaxing and full of enjoyment as 2016 has had its dramas! Good luck with your resolutions, they are all really good ones and I hope 2017 is an amazing year for you :) x

    1. Awwww yeah that's good and I hope it is for you :)
      I never normally make resolutions and I know I probably won't keep to these but I'll try lol :)
      Have a wonderful 2017 too x


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