Saturday 25 March 2017

Being Strong and Proud of Myself!!

I have been meaning to do this blog post for a while now but the other day I realised that I am so proud of myself. I have gone through so much and am still going strong.

I'm the sort of person that if I'm having a bad day, struggling, busy or feeling a bit upset I don't say anything or even show it. Some people think I'm constantly happy and have no worries in life which is so the opposite.
I recently read a post over on Thought Catalog which was saying how the strongest girls are the girls with anxiety which is so true. My favourite line being "She probably doesn’t realise it yet, but girls with anxiety are the strongest girls in the world, because they never have a minute of peace. Because they’re always struggling — and they’re always winning" This really made me think " Yes I am strong, I never give up and never let anyone see my struggle but am struggling everyday!

One thing I 've always wanted to do is to tell all the people who bullied me at school that.... I WIN!

I don't put a lot of personal information on social media like relationships or work etc because there is a certain amount of privacy I want to keep so just because I don't it doesn't mean I don't have things going on which people do assume. I have a really good job, money, live in a nice place, do what I want and have been seeing someone pretty amazing for a while now :) so I think I WIN! Everything they said to me at school was a load of rubbish and they just wasted their time because who's the one who succeeded...ME :) 
I see some of them of Facebook and feel sorry for them because they could have done so well but there personality got them no where. If you are one of those people reading this thank you, you may have temporarily made my life hell but you made me stronger than ever!

I do still have anxiety and panic attacks but I can say I am strong and I will one day be able to say I am anxiety free :) 

I feel loads better getting that off my chest :)

Thank you for reading and leave comments :)

Natasha x


  1. You should most definitely be proud of yourself Natasha and it sounds like you have achieved so much. Sometimes it is easy to forget just what you have dealt with and accomplished in life but it is so important to remind ourselves every now and then and make sure we look after ourselves. I'm so glad you're in such a happy place and have met someone amazing to share everything with :) x

    1. I totally agree, if you think about what you have achieved it's quite amazing :)
      Thank you lovely <3 x


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