Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Mental Health Awareness Week

Good Evening 😀

Hope you're well. I have been away from my blog for a while because my mental health hasn't been the best this year.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week which is a week dedicated to raising awareness for all types of mental health and promoting that we talk and speak out.

If you have followed my blog for a while, you would have seen the posts I have written regarding my journey with mental health.

Honestly I thought at the end of last year that I had got the hang of dealing with panic attacks and anxiety but I have to say 2019 has not been that nice to me. I have never had so many anxiety/panic attacks or even feeling so low to the point I didn't even want to leave the house until this year. I constantly feel sick, hot and that horrible feeling deep down in your stomach.

I've had a lot of stress in my work life and out of work which really hasn't helped. When I think it's getting better something else comes a long and ruins it. 

I feel that my skin is awful with breakouts, dry, oily. It's like I have all the different skin type in one go ha! I haven't really bothered with makeup or wearing my best clothes which I miss. In all honesty I really couldn't be bothered. What has helped is the few sunny days we're having, it's surprising how the weather can actually affect your mood.

I tried natural anti depressants but they made me really sick so stopped taking those.

It's all about finding the best way to manage how you feel. I find that doing what I want to do and sometime doing nothing like just sitting in the garden really helps.

This years mental health awareness week is dedicated to "Body Image" which plays a big part in my mental health journey. I have always been naturally slim, I can eat whatever I want and not put any weight on but it didn't stop people saying "Your Anorexic" or "Don't you eat anything" or even to the point of someone in the street shouting I was too thin. I am in the weight range for my height, I am between 9 - 9 1/2 stone which for my size is perfect. I have always been self conscious about my skin too, I don't have acne but when I have a breakout, the scar takes ages to disappear and I can never cover it up with foundation. If you have any recommendations for a good one pleaseeeee let me know :)

I think if we all talk about how we feel without being judged and all listen the world would be a much better place.

My tips for help with mental health:

  • Talk to Someone
  • Write everything down, sometimes just writing it down takes a weight off your shoulders.
  • Have a bit of "me" time - A pamper, watch a film etc
  • Use relaxation apps, I use Doze, Calm and Headspace.
  • Treat yourself to something you've wanted. I do this alot 😂
  • Go for a walk - Walking is a proven release for anxiety.
  • Fresh Air - Simple for just breathing in fresh air really helps.
 Hope these tips help you and if you have any please let me know 😀

If you want more information I have linked helpful websites below:

2018 Mental Health Awareness Week Post

Thank you for reading

Tash x

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